Auburn Hills, MI — May 18, 2024 — Vanguard Title Company, a trusted name in the real estate and title industry, proudly announces Christina Kass as partner. Christina’s remarkable journey and unwavering commitment have significantly contributed to Vanguard Title’s...
Auburn Hills, MI — May 13, 2024 — Vanguard Title Company, a leading player in the real estate and title industry, is delighted to welcome Jon Wass to their team. Jon will serve as a Commercial Account Executive. This title industry veteran triumphantly returns after a...
Auburn Hills, Michigan — April 30, 2024 — Vanguard Title, a leading player in the real estate and title industry, is thrilled to announce the addition of Frances Royston to their team. As a Commercial Escrow Officer, Frances brings a wealth of experience and expertise...
Close Anytime Anywhere: A Convenient Necessity If you ask several people how they’re doing, you’re likely to hear one word repeatedly: “Busy.” The pace and demands of daily life have many of us packing more and more into our schedules —home buyers and sellers...
By Christina Kass At Vanguard Title, we know life doesn’t stop when it’s time for your closing. That’s why we offer eSign — a secure and convenient tool that fits seamlessly into your schedule. With eSign, a significant portion of your closing documents are signed...
Vanguard Title Closing Offering you more closing options | Close Anytime Anywhere Online Closing Benefits Wherever you are in the world, online closing has become much easier. Don’t worry about running behind in traffic, reading and signing hundreds of papers on...